In 2005, Everardo Lozano and his wife, Fabiola, embarked on a journey to create Tia Tere Foods. With their passion and dedication, they created their first product, Mole with Almonds, a traditional recipe of their Tia Tere. Doña Teresa, better known as “Tia Tere”, remembered her teacher, the famous chef from Tezoatlán, the legendary Manuel Guzmán. They tell stories that Don Manuel was famous for his seasoning, and for his great zeal and secrets of the kitchen; Manuel had his entourage of cooks at his command whom he directed and coordinated for the preparation of the dishes and especially the mole.
At the death of Manuel Guzmán, few were the people who rescued something from his great art of cooking. Doña Teresa was one of the heirs of that ancient art and of that particular style to make dishes such as chocolate, menudo, and especially the mole. Doña Teresa mentioned that Don Manuel never said where he learned or from whom; he took the legend to the grave as well as many recipes. However, for the good of the Tezoatecos and now for the world, Tia Tere Foods shares its flavor, the old flavor of mole, old recipe that Doña Teresa Aguilar possessed.
As of today, Oaxalisco Foods has over 25 products that range from mole, adobo, cajeta, honey, and snacks. Everardo and Fabiola have never stopped exploring and learning the culinary richness of their country.
Meet Tía Tere